Binary File Tutorial

Excluding Mobile and Item objects, there are Land and Static objects in the game that can passively affect the Agent. However, these do not move by themselves and only change their relative position when the player moves. In addition, information on Land and Static objects can be extracted from the already installed binary file of Ultima Online.


The location of the files might be different slightly depending on the setting of the computer, but the full path usually looks like a /home/kimbring2/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts/Ultima Online Classic when the Wine program is used to install the Windows client.

Land and Static data

Land Object is basically a basic block that the agent can walk on. The texture of it is slightly different depending on the region or location. However basically it does not block the movement of the agent. Logo
Static objects is placed on the land object. They can block the movement of agent such as tree and wall. Besides, it can compose structures such as bridge and house. Logo

Unique Indexing for the Land and Static

The Land and Static data have no unique tag to distinquch them from others unlike Mobile and Item data. However what if we need to point out one specifilc land and static to drop an item or collect item from it? Fortunately, even if the agent moves, the index of land and static within the screen can be designated as shown in the figure below.


By using this type of indexing, in UoService, all actions can be performed without using the pixel point as action argument. It is useful to reduce the training load by allowing us to use a slightly simpler Neural Network.

Extracting Land and Static data

Read the Map Binary Files

There are a total of 3 binary files related to map data. First, there is map0LegacyMUL.uop where information itself is stored, and next there are statics0.mul and staidx0.mul where address information for extracting map data of a specific position from the first file is stored.
Figure1: Map Information Files
Training process Training process Training process

Code 1: Read the Map Binary Files.

from io import StringIO, BytesIO
import struct
import utils
from numpy import int8
import os

files_map_name = "map0LegacyMUL.uop"
files_statics_name = "statics0.mul"
files_index_statics_name = "staidx0.mul"

UOP_MAGIC_NUMBER = hex(0x50594d)
_has_extra = False
total_entries_count = 0;
hashes_dict = {}
file_size = 0

MapsDefaultSize = {7168 >> 3, 4096 >> 3}

files_map = open(files_map_name, 'rb')
p_files_map =
files_map_reader = utils.FileReader(BytesIO(p_files_map))
files_map_size = files_map_reader.size

files_statics = open(files_statics_name, 'rb')
p_files_statics =
files_statics_reader = utils.FileReader(BytesIO(p_files_statics))
files_statics_size = files_statics_reader.size

files_index_statics = open(files_index_statics_name, 'rb')
p_files_index_statics =
files_index_statics_reader = utils.FileReader(BytesIO(p_files_index_statics))
files_index_statics_size = files_index_statics_reader.size

uop_magic_number = hex(files_map_reader.read_uint32())

if uop_magic_number != UOP_MAGIC_NUMBER:
    raise NameError('Bad uop file')

version = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
format_timestamp = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
next_block = files_map_reader.read_long()
block_size = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
count = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
total = 0;
real_total = 0;

while next_block != 0:
    files_count = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
    next_block = files_map_reader.read_long()
    total += files_count;

    for i in range(0, files_count):
        offset = files_map_reader.read_long()
        header_length = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
        compressed_length = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
        decompressed_length = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
        hash_value = files_map_reader.read_long()
        data_hash = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
        flag = files_map_reader.read_short();
        length = compressed_length if flag == 1 else decompressed_length;

        if offset == 0:

        real_total += 1
        offset += header_length

        hashes_dict[hash_value] = utils.UOFileIndex(file_size, offset, compressed_length, 

total_entries_count = real_total;

pattern = "build/map0legacymul/{:08d}.dat"

entries = []
for i in range(0, total_entries_count):
    file = pattern.format(i)
    hash_value = utils.create_hash(file)
    hash_data = hashes_dict[hash_value]

mapblocksize = 196
staticidxblocksize = 12
staticblocksize = 7

uopoffset = 0
file_number = -1;
maxblockcount = 896 * 512

block_data = []
for block in range(0, maxblockcount):
    realmapaddress = 0
    realstaticaddress = 0
    realstaticcount = 0

    blocknum = block;
    blocknum &= 4095;

    shifted = block >> 12;

    if file_number != shifted:
        file_number = shifted

        if shifted < len(entries):
            uopoffset = entries[shifted].offset

    address = uopoffset + (blocknum * mapblocksize);

    if address < files_map_size:
        realmapaddress = address

    stidxaddress = (block * staticidxblocksize);
    position = files_index_statics_reader.read_uint32()
    size = files_index_statics_reader.read_uint32()
    unknown = files_index_statics_reader.read_uint32()
    if stidxaddress < files_index_statics_size and size > 0 and position != 0xFFFFFFFF:
        address1 = position
        if address1 < files_statics_size:
            realstaticaddress = address1;
            realstaticcount = int(size / staticblocksize)

            if realstaticcount > 1024:
                realstaticcount = 1024;

    if block % 1000 == 0 and realstaticcount != 0:
        #print("block: {0}, realmapaddress: {1}, realstaticaddress: {2}, realstaticcount: {3}".format(block, 
        #      realmapaddress, realstaticaddress, realstaticcount))

    index_map = utils.IndexMap(realmapaddress, realstaticaddress, realstaticcount, 
                               realmapaddress, realstaticaddress, realstaticcount)


Read the Tile Binary File

In the map data read first, only numerical values such as the tile id of specific location can be known. However, this alone cannot distinguish whether grass, sand, dirt, wood, rock, or water are in that map location. The text information is stored in the tiledata.mul file. The tile ID of previous step can be used as the index here.

Figure2: tiledata.mul File
Training process

Code 2: Read the Tile Binary File.

files_tiledata_name = "tiledata.mul"
file_tiledata = open(files_tiledata_name, 'rb')
p_file_tiledata =
files_tiledata_reader = utils.FileReader(BytesIO(p_file_tiledata))

land_data_dict = {}
for i in range(0, 512):

    for j in range(0, 32):
        idx = i * 32 + j
        flags = files_tiledata_reader.read_long();
        text_id = files_tiledata_reader.read_short();

        buffer_string = ""
        for k in range(0, 20):
            byte_data = files_tiledata_reader.read_byte()

            if byte_data != 0:
                buffer_string += chr(byte_data)

        land_data_dict[idx] = {"flags": flags, "text_id": text_id, "name": buffer_string}

static_data_dict = {}
for i in range(0, 2048):

    for j in range(0, 32):
        idx = i * 32 + j
        flags = files_tiledata_reader.read_long()
        weight = files_tiledata_reader.read_byte()
        layer = files_tiledata_reader.read_byte()
        count = files_tiledata_reader.read_uint32();
        anim_id = files_tiledata_reader.read_short();
        hue = files_tiledata_reader.read_short();
        light_index = files_tiledata_reader.read_short();
        height = files_tiledata_reader.read_byte();

        buffer_string = ""
        for k in range(0, 20):
            byte_data = files_tiledata_reader.read_byte()

            if byte_data != 0:
                buffer_string += chr(byte_data)

        static_data_dict[idx] = {"flags": flags, "weight": weight, "layer": layer, "count": count,
                                 "anim_id": anim_id, "hue": hue, "light_index": light_index,
                                 "height": height, "name": buffer_string }

Using the data of Read Map and Tile Binary Files

Code 3: Using the data of Read Map and Tile Binary Files

position_list = [[438, 313], [440, 316], [440, 314], [441, 314], [440, 313], [438, 314], [438, 315], [439, 314],
                 [439, 312], [439, 313], [439, 311], [436, 315], [437, 314], [436, 314], [437, 315], [434, 309]]

for position in position_list:
    X = position[0]
    Y = position[1]

    im = utils.get_index(block_data, X, Y)

    header = files_map_reader.read_uint32()
    for y in range(0, 8):
        pos = y << 3
        for x in range(0, 8):
            tile_id = files_map_reader.read_short();
            z = int8(files_map_reader.read_byte());
            tile_id = (tile_id & 0x3FFF);

            land_data = land_data_dict[tile_id]
            print("x: {0}, y: {1}, tile_id: {2}, z: {3}, name: {4}".format(x, y, tile_id, z, land_data["name"]))

    if im.static_address != 0:

        for i in range(0, im.static_count):
            color = files_statics_reader.read_short()
            x = files_statics_reader.read_byte()
            y = files_statics_reader.read_byte()
            z = files_statics_reader.read_byte()
            hue = files_statics_reader.read_short()

            static_data = static_data_dict[color]
